Body Description | |||
1. nose | 11. upper lip | 21. chest | 31. wrist |
2. nosebridge | 12. chin | 22. back | 32. pastern |
3. stop | 13. neck | 23. loin | 33. forequarters |
4. forehead | 14. crest | 24. rump | 34. finger |
5. eye | 15. throat | 25. groin | 35. pelvic tuber |
6. top of the head | 16. forechest | 26. abdomen | 36. uppet thigh |
7. ear | 17. withers | 27. skin lash | 37. stifle joint |
8. occiput | 18. shoulder joint | 28. tail | 38. lower thigh |
9. temple | 19. shoulder | 29. elbow | 39. hock |
10. cheek | 20. upper arm | 30. forearm | 40. rear pastern |
Leonberger measures | |
1 head length | |
2 body length | |
3 chest depth | |
4 withers height | |
5 chest circumference | |
6 height at sacrum |
Skeleton and inner organs | |||
1. skull (cranium) | 9. caudal vertebrae (vertebrae caudales) | 17. pelvis (ossa coxae) | 25. larynx (larynx) |
2. mandible (mandibula) | 10. scapula (scapula) | 18. femur (os femoris) | 26. pharynx (pharynx) |
3. cervical vertebrae (vertebrae cervicales) | 11. humerus (humerus) | 19. stifle joint (genu) | 27. stomach (ventriculus, gaster) |
4. lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae dorsales) | 12. elbow (cubitus) | 20. fibula and tibia (fibula et tibia) | 28. viscera (ilia) |
5. ribs (costae) | 13. ulna (ulna) | 21. fibular tarsal (calcaneus) | 29. liver (hepar) |
6. prosternum (sternum) | 14. radius (radius) | 22. metacarpus (ossa tarsi et ossa metatarsi) | 30. spleen (lien) |
7. thoracic vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales) | 15. carpus (ossa carpi) | 23. tongue (lingua) | 31. lung (pulmo) |
8. sacrum (vertebrae sacrales) | 16. pastern (ossa metacarpi) | 24. roat (oesophagus) | 33. heart (cor) |